Saturday, April 12, 2008

Time to Get Movin'

Hey there! I have been a little bit of a slacker this weekend. I didn't walk on Thursday because I had a meeting to go to and then yesterday Anthony wasn't around to watch the kids because he had to work all night. Then today I have been gone all day and now at 10:14pm I am just getting home and getting online. Well I had better get my rear in gear if I am going to get this training done right. I have a huge calendar on my wall in the kitchen and tomorrow I am going to write down the training schedule that the 3-Day Coaches have put together for a 24 week training program. I worry that I won't be able to get the walks in when Anthony is gone for TDY (Army term for gone on business). I have to be able to get out there so perhaps I am just going to have to put them in that wagon and pull them behind me. Although I think that after pulling two 25 + pound kids 3 + miles I will be dead and we won't have to worry about finishing up the rest of the training.

Anyone that has any fund raising ideas please send them my way. I am not sure exactly what we will be doing to get all of the funds but any idea will be appreciated.

This whole thing is still a bit overwhelming but I love how much support I have gotten from people already. What a blessing to have friends, family and associates that are willing to help where they can and to cheer you on even when the event isn't for another 5 or 6 months. You all are a blessing! Thanks!


Humphries said...

I think what you are doing is amazing. I know that you can do it and i'm sure Anthony and the kids are great motivaters.

Humphries said...

I think what you are doing is wonderful. We all need a little break every now and then. When you are ready to go again, I know you have some great motivaters in your house.