Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Splashing Around

Well I am in the beginning stages of my training and I chose to do water aerobics as my cross training exercises. I went last night and this evening and did as much of the "real" water aerobics that I could remember from when I was going on a regular basis. There is a class that was supposed to be starting up tonight but since it was cold and the pool is outside they canceled it. I went just to swim and do what I could remember anyway since this was my scheduled cross training day. I have to say that even though I am sure that I am doing very little exercising while in the pool without an instructor giving me some direction I was very tired last night and feel like I could fall over at any moment tonight.

So as I was splashing around in the pool I couldn't help but think that this is a lot easier than the 4 miles I will have to walk tomorrow. I look forward to doing the walks as they are one mile closer to that goal that I have set for myself but I am hoping that as the days and weeks go on that I will get more energy and be able to get through the next day. As it is now I am pretty tired when the morning comes rolling around. I guess it is all part of the experience. I am reading a book that says that you have to stretch out of your comfort zone in order to make progress...I have been doing a lot of stretching lately...before and after walking...does that count? =)

Life is Good! TaTa for now!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I found the Martinez family! I miss you guys so much. Angie, I think this 3-day walk for a cure is awesome. I am very proud of you! We would love to be invited onto your families other blog.