Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hard Week

Well this has been a crazy week. I am trying to update this every day or every other day. This week Anthony has been gone so it has just been me and the kids. It is very hard to get anything done with two very active children in tow, even sitting down at the computer. He will be gone this next week as well. I have gone to my water aerobics class and tried to walk with the kids in the stroller...needless to say I haven't been that successful this week with anything. It is a good thing that we have a while before I am supposed to be walking in the double digits. I look forward to this next week and hope that with a new week comes another mile in the books. (meaning up to 5 miles per day)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Up to 4 miles

Yeah! I did it. I went 4 miles yesterday. I thought I would die right at the beginning when I barely made it to the 1/2 mile mark but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and after awhile I made it. Tonight I went to water aerobics. I tell you what working out in the water is a lot of fun but you definitely get tired from it. I need to go 4 miles tomorrow and Saturday so that I can get the 12 miles in for this week.

Isn't this crazy! 3 weeks ago I couldn't even walk a mile and now I am doing 4 miles...yes it is a hard 4 miles but hey I am still doing it. I couldn't this without the help on my Heavenly Father first and my family second. They are the reason I keep getting out there. I can feel them cheering me on and it just feels so great!

Life is Good! TaTa for now!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Splashing Around

Well I am in the beginning stages of my training and I chose to do water aerobics as my cross training exercises. I went last night and this evening and did as much of the "real" water aerobics that I could remember from when I was going on a regular basis. There is a class that was supposed to be starting up tonight but since it was cold and the pool is outside they canceled it. I went just to swim and do what I could remember anyway since this was my scheduled cross training day. I have to say that even though I am sure that I am doing very little exercising while in the pool without an instructor giving me some direction I was very tired last night and feel like I could fall over at any moment tonight.

So as I was splashing around in the pool I couldn't help but think that this is a lot easier than the 4 miles I will have to walk tomorrow. I look forward to doing the walks as they are one mile closer to that goal that I have set for myself but I am hoping that as the days and weeks go on that I will get more energy and be able to get through the next day. As it is now I am pretty tired when the morning comes rolling around. I guess it is all part of the experience. I am reading a book that says that you have to stretch out of your comfort zone in order to make progress...I have been doing a lot of stretching lately...before and after walking...does that count? =)

Life is Good! TaTa for now!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Time to Get Movin'

Hey there! I have been a little bit of a slacker this weekend. I didn't walk on Thursday because I had a meeting to go to and then yesterday Anthony wasn't around to watch the kids because he had to work all night. Then today I have been gone all day and now at 10:14pm I am just getting home and getting online. Well I had better get my rear in gear if I am going to get this training done right. I have a huge calendar on my wall in the kitchen and tomorrow I am going to write down the training schedule that the 3-Day Coaches have put together for a 24 week training program. I worry that I won't be able to get the walks in when Anthony is gone for TDY (Army term for gone on business). I have to be able to get out there so perhaps I am just going to have to put them in that wagon and pull them behind me. Although I think that after pulling two 25 + pound kids 3 + miles I will be dead and we won't have to worry about finishing up the rest of the training.

Anyone that has any fund raising ideas please send them my way. I am not sure exactly what we will be doing to get all of the funds but any idea will be appreciated.

This whole thing is still a bit overwhelming but I love how much support I have gotten from people already. What a blessing to have friends, family and associates that are willing to help where they can and to cheer you on even when the event isn't for another 5 or 6 months. You all are a blessing! Thanks!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In Home Walk Tonight

Holy Cow! I did an in-home walk tonight that I bought called Walk Away the Pounds, Intensity Walk with Leslie Sansone. I have several of her DVD's and each time I have tried to walk while at home for some reason Ammon my 16 month old wants to be held and cries until he gets his way. I did figure out though that I can do them at night once he is asleep and I can make it through the entire thing. I thought I would try this new one as something different and thought since I have been doing the 3 miles out on the road that I would be able to handle one more mile in the house. Yeah that didn't happen tonight. I barely got one mile done when I was ready to collapse. On her other DVDs she didn't go quite so fast or intense quite so soon. Needless to say she kicked my bumba lumba (word that Anthony has taught Araya our nearly 3-year-old to say instead of butt). I have a lot of work to do before I can master the intensity walk.

I sent out a letter to a lot of people that we know from here, there and everywhere in hopes that I can get some donations towards the $2200 goal that I have to reach in order to walk in the event. Honestly raising this much money is almost more intimidating than the walk itself but my hope is that we have enough time to get it done.

Thanks to all those that are reading our blog and posting comments. It is really fun to do this. Toodle Loo for now!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Feeling The Pain

Okay, so the hard work is starting to catch up to me. I knew it would eventually but, now it's here. The first few days of walking, my leg muscles were letting me know they were there. A little ibuprofen and away I went.

So, now I'm starting to get some knee pain and tendon soreness. It worries me a little bit. I've never really tried to do something like this and honestly this is really the first time I've really set myself on a course to be truly physically active. I'm sure most of it will pass but, my body is definitely waking up.

I'm holding at walking three miles a day for now but, next week I need to get onto at least one four-mile walk. I couldn't imagine being able to do three miles but, aside from the soreness, the walks, though slow, are getting easier.

Thanks to those of you that have expressed your support in word and in contributions. I feel like we are all doing this as a team and your actions and words help motivate me to keep on going - for you and especially those we are walking for. No pain, no gain - right? :-)

Friday, April 4, 2008

If It Ain't Rainin', It Ain't Trainin'

My husband has been a soldier in the US Army for twenty years and he and his soldiers always say, "if it ain't rainin', it ain't trainin'". I think I finally know what they are talking about. Today I walked three miles in a rain storm. It started to clear near the end of my walk but, during the downpour I thought, first that I must be crazy to be walking out in the rain and second, this is what it takes to dedicate yourself to something worthwhile.

Too many times in life we choose the easy route; we stay inside till the storm passes by. But I'm learning that somehow being out in the storm makes you stronger. Not that we should look for a good storm to go out and walk in but, that when the storms come we shouldn't compromise our determination just to take an easier path.

Again, I think about the women in my life that have fought the breast cancer battle. They didn't have a choice - the storm came to them and caught them without an umbrella. I have a worthwhile goal here. The least I can do is keep my commitment to those I am walking for and to myself. Just keep on walking.

I have to admit that as I was walking and people driving past were giving me that look of "what an idiot", I was having a lot of fun. While Anthony and the kids were following me around in the car, they kept giving me the thumbs up sign and cheering me on - it just made the experience that much greater. I know I couldn't do this without them.

As I continued on in the rain tonight and saw my family right there with me I couldn't help but think of all of those women and men who fight or have fought this battle; my prayer is that they have this kind of support and love. I am just walking for this cause and my family is supporting me so much. I can't imagine the kind of support it takes for a family that is battling breast cancer. I know I'm the only one who can make this walk happen just as the cancer patient is the only one who actually battles the disease but, I can't help but believe that our families act as the umbrella to shield us from some of the storm.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Day ... Another 2 Miles

Well I went another 2 miles today. For some reason it seemed like I went faster but when I got home it took me the same time as it did yesterday...45 minutes for 2 miles. I have a long way to go before I am at the 3 to 4 miles per hour mark. husband keeps telling me that I shouldn't worry about the time right now but, that I just need to get the miles in and be consistent with walking. I guess he is right but it's hard not to think of how slow I am going regardless.

I've received so much support from my husband and two wonderful children...ages nearly 3 and 16 months. They are great! I couldn't do this without them.

I've been thinking a lot about the people I am walking for lately. I hope to share with you some of the memories I have of them and the love I have for them as well. I hope that in some small way they will know that this really is for them.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Longest Journey Begins With the First Step

Here they are - pristine and untested. They will be one of the many treasures I will take on my journey to walk 60 miles in just 3 days. Tonight I walked my first two miles. It took me 45 minutes it seemed like forever.

The ladies we walk for? One second probably felt like a lifetime - the second they found out they had cancer. I can do 45 minutes, we can do 45 min, we can do more. We still have many miles to travel together. Stay with me, we have just taken our first step together.